The trip to Loiusiville was quite nice. The company and conversation were good and the scenery was fantastic. We broke down just north of the Tennessee/Alabama border and got to spend an hour or so in the small town of Pulaski. We took some pictures of our adventures...

There's a SunDrop distribution center located in Pulaski. We had to stop and get one.

We decided to take pictures everywhere with the SunDrop located somewhere in the picture. This is a Presbyterian Church, erected in the late 1800s.

Pulaski surely was small-town America in modern times.
We stopped in Nashville for lunch on the way at the Frist Center. It was great. All in all it was a good trip. There's still some praying to do about what to do about the fall. I still have no idea. I don't know if it matters or not where I go, as long as I'm faithful with what God has given me. Southern sure does have it going on though.