With the onset of a new academic year, I am starting a new job. I'll be working in the Center for New Testament Textual Studies and as the Administrative Assistant (refer to the picture below for an accurate portrayal) to Dr. Stevens and Dr. Warren. It has been a great job so far. I will still be working in the Library on Saturdays to make a little extra money and make time for homework. This should be an excellent academic year!
I have just returned from the United Kingdom, where I participated in a week of study at Regents Park College at Oxford University. It was a fantastic time. Our group saw so many cool things. We had a blast. But what better way to blog than to just add some pictures.
Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill.
We saw many statues and amazing things at the British Museum.
Christ Church College, Oxford University
Yorkminster Cathedral
John Wesley's House
Regent's Park College, Oxford University (where we stayed)
Overall, this trip was absolutely amazing. I got to meet some very cool people and experience some very cool things. It's a trip that I'll always remember.
27 March 2007
Boy, do I feel culturally hip. In the last week, I've been to see Copeland, Switchfoot, Jonezetta, Meg and Dia, Bayside, and Anberlin. I also travelled to Baton Rouge to hear Donald Miller speak, which was pretty fantastic. He talked about story--how much of the Bible is composed of narrative and how our lives are stories, which need interesting plots and antagonists and all that jazz. Very interesting.
06 February 2007
Can you imagine how good the Bears would be if they didn't have a prepubescent quarterback?
Makes me mad that this guy contributed to the Saints' losing the NFC Championship.
31 January 2007
I have finally been to all my classes. It will be a good semester. Systematic II will be a little less intense than I. Intermediate Greek will be a lot more fun than Intro. I'm finally taking a preaching class. And to top it all off, I get to be stinkin' Indiana Jones in my Encountering the Biblical World class.
I'm also going to try a new church this Sunday--Gentilly Baptist Church. There is nothing wrong with the church I was attending, it just was not for me. I'm going to try a church close to where I live and hopefully do some ministry. Not like there's a lack of need in the city.
I'm also planning on doing some fun things this semester! First, I'm going to go see Elise in Tallahassee for Valentine's Day. That's special. I'm also going to go watch UCF play basketball at Tulane. That'll be good, I still haven't been over there yet. Elise will come visit me in March and in April I'll go home for Easter. That may not seem like much, but trying to pack it all in, it shouldn't be too bad.
So for now, posse out yo...
16 January 2007
The air is some kind of cold today. I had no idea that New Orleans could get this cold. The "wind chill" is around freezing temperature right now. That's brutal. Oh well. Let's get to the point of this post...
We've done it again! UCF is Division 1-A National Champions yet again...in cheerleading.
I still say that if some of those cheerleaders would go out for safety on the football team, our defense would not be among the worst in the nation.
I'm getting cabin fever. I'm looking forward to school starting, and Disciple Now at Olive. And seeing the ever-so-beautiful Elise.
Man, three months since I have last posted. This lapse is almost inexcusable. Oh well. New Orleans is abuzz. There have been more murders than days this year so far. This is unacceptable and the city is up-in-arms about it. There are several marches planned today. I don't know how much good it will do, but hey, people are doing something.
I had the most pleasant Winn-Dixie shopping experience today. As I perused the Swiffer product shelf, an employee spoke on the intercom imploring shoppers to buy Saints merchandise and newly arrived Mardi Gras beads ('tis the season to be inebriated). He also led us all in a rousing round of "who 'dat?"s. It reminded me of when the Tampa Bay/Orlando Buccaneers were in the Superbowl. Excitement is in the air. The mood is going to be ridiculous if the Saints beat the Eagles this weekend. Rioting and looting will be done by all.